he's my boyfriend!
Paresu and her man, Son Goten

Paresu's role in DBGT can hardly be argued -- she's Goten's (current) girlfriend. The most part of the episodes she appears in centers around her (thwarted) date with her man. Her subsequent cameo appearances are with Goten. The
depth of Paresu and Goten's relationship can be a matter of some debate, however. It's established by Chichi that Goten (much to her chagrin) is girl-happy and has been casually dating. Paresu seems to be one of many girls Goten has been seeing (though not at the same time, mind you!).
The fan-reactions to Goten and Paresu's relationship has been mixed. On one hand, you have the fans who despise her for being a 'slut' who 'stole' Goten from Marron or more often, Bura. On the other hand, you have the fans who believe that Goten and Paresu are deeply in love and their relationship is holy and pure.
The former, of course, is ridiculous. While Goten/Bura and Goten/Marron are beloved fan pairings (and super cute to boot), Goten has not been shown to have even the faintest canon interest in Bura or Marron. The
only woman we see him with at all during the course of GT is Paresu, and he clearly thinks she is adorable. He states such. There is no argument to be had, there: in Dragonball GT, Goten's girlfriend is Paresu. This leads us to the latter faction...

While there's no doubt that Goten and Paresu are definitely fond of each other, we're just not given enough material to work with in GT to know if their relationship progressed beyond their first few dates. From what we're shown, there's certainly no indication that as soon as Paresu finishes her ice-cream (without a spoon! ^_~) they're about to head down the aisle and swear eternal love. What we're given is what we get: a young man and a young woman out on their first date, who are obviously very sweet on each other and enjoy one another's company (...and then the extraterrestrial has to go and ruin everything by possessing the young man, but apparently these things will happen). To be honest, Goten and Paresu are scarcely past the holding-hands stage!
There are certain things that can't be denied, no matter how attractive it may seem: Goten and Paresu are not Usagi and Mamoru. However, the other hand can't be denied, either -- these two like each other very much, and are very sweet together. What comes after what we see in GT is entirely up to our imaginations...which isn't necessarily a bad thing!
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Dragonball GT/Paresu © Bird Studio 1984-.