site info and history
details, details, details
Here's where you can find out (nearly) all the nitty-gritty details behind the construction and execution of Love Ya, Sunshine! I'm sure you're burning to know.
Lova Ya, Sunshine! first premiered on the web in November 2000. It was a tiny little shrine hosted on Virtue.Nu before Virtue was bought out by 0Catch and began its rapid descent into complete fail. When Virtue went bankrupt just before the 0Catch buyout, unfortunately Lova Ya, Sunshine! and all its data went with it. With my then-waning interest in
Dragonball GT and a few personal issues thrown into the mix, I had neither the drive nor the time to resurrect it. Thusly, it slept...until the 10th of August, this year, when I got the okay from TAFL to build the Paresu fanlisting. "Why not revive LYS in its entirety?" I thought. "Great Scott, self, you're a genius!" And the rest, as they say, is history. In the June of 2013, I tired of TAFL's shenanigans, and dumped the fanlisting side of things to simply keep LYS as a shrine alone.
The main image of Paresu on this layout comes from the Japanese artist Toyble's unofficial
Dragonball continuation,
Dragonball AF. It was coloured by yours truly. The rest of it was all made by myself, using a combination of Paint Shop Pro 7.4, IrfanView, Araneae, and vast amounts of coffee. It is
CSS valid, and contains
no tables. Like all my layouts, I strive to produce something that is attractive but still globally accessible, so if you have any problems with readability in this layout,
please do email me.
legal stuff
Love Ya, Sunshine! ( is © 2000-
some rights reserved. Site design, text, and graphic content is not to be reproduced without explicit permission of the webmistress.
Dragonball GT/Paresu is © Akira Toriyama/Bird Studio 1984-. Used without permission but with no intention of infringement, for non-profit, educational purposes in accordance with the "Fair Use" clause of
Title 17, Section 107,
United States Code.
Love Ya, Sunshine! ©
/, all rights reserved; a part of and .
Dragonball GT/Paresu © Bird Studio 1984-.