lady in yellow
her colour choices and what they mean
From the tips of her toes to...well, the tops of her shoulders, at least, Paresu is decked out in sunshine colour when we see her. Her boots, her dress, and her wristwatch are a soft buttery yellow. It's a chic and cute look which offsets her dark eyes and hair well, but what could all this yellow mean in regards to Paresu's personality?

As we remarked above, yellow is the colour of sunshine, which is naturally associated with life and the season of summer, hope and happiness. According to
Color Wheel Pro, yellow is also linked with joy, intellect and energy. In
feng shui, yellow is linked to the element of fire. Some of these adjectives fit Paresu very well, particularly joy and happiness. Even when Goten throws her hankie over her head, Paresu turns her frown upside down and forgives him easily -- she's very cheerful and optimistic! During her date with Goten, despite the rude interruptions by Baby, she is very clearly having a lot of fun and is joyous.
In Japan, oddly enough, yellow has oftentimes represented courage. This is interesting when you think that during the fight with Baby, Paresu didn't run away screaming and instead watched Goten with watchful eyes through the entire battle. Another interesting link with yellow and Paresu is that yellow ribbons were worn by women hoping their men would return home from war...and Goten himself is fighting, isn't he?

Paresu accesorises with gold -- her belt buckles, earrings, and the clasp/pendant on her choker are all gold. Color Wheel Pro states that the colour gold evokes the feeling of prestige and symbolises high quality. Gold's hidden meaning is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. This leads us right back to the fan-theory that Paresu may have come from a very rich family. Gold is not overly common for young women to accessorise with, seeing as it is
very pricey. Silver isn't solely chosen by girls for aesthetic reasons ^_~ Another DBGT girl we see accessorising with gold is Bura (earrings, choker, buckles) -- and we
know that her family is extraordinarily rich.
Paresu subtly accentuates her yellow flair with hints of prestigious gold -- never ostentatiously or in a tacky manner. Her choice of colours compliment her appearance and her personality to a t.
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Dragonball GT/Paresu © Bird Studio 1984-.