why make a Paresu shrine?
It's a very valid question -- why would anyone make a shrine to such a minor character such as Paresu?

I've always had a fascination with minor characters -- mainly because so much about them is clouded in mystery, due to their lack of screen time. Paresu is no exception. We know she's sweet, naive and kind, and one of the many girls Goten's dating, and that's it. This makes me wonder: if I like what I've seen on the surface, what could be underneath it? What are her likes and dislikes, her fears and joys? What was her life like, her family, her friends? There is so much about Paresu we don't know, and I thrive on imagination and possibilities for her. It's a very easy and enjoyable mindset to be in when you find a character you like.
Paresu also fascinates me in that she is a very different kind of female to the girls we usually come across in the Dragonball universe -- she is somewhat timid and gentle. In comparison to the punchy, fiery, sexy straightforwardness of Bulma, Chichi, Videl, Bura and even Pan, Paresu is something of a rare gem. The only other female character who is as gentle as she is is Kuririn and Jyuuhachigou's only daughter Marron.
Then there's the simple, shallow reasoning: she's cute! Just look at her: from her big brown eyes to her cheerful smile, she's the picture of adorability. No wonder Goten's so taken with her ;)
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Dragonball GT/Paresu © Bird Studio 1984-.